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  • science and technolgy
  • zoology-Some wrote books describing the structure of animals' bodies, while others explained how to make medicines from animal parts
  • geography
  • Muslim scientists improved on calculations made by the ancient Greeks to reach a measure of Earth's circumference that was close to the correct value.
  • mathmatics
  • Muslims also spread the Indian concept of zero. In fact, the word zero comes from an Arabic word meaning “something empty.” Ancient peoples used written symbols for numbers long before anyone thought of using a symbol for zero
  • lots of Muslims liked to learn about science they also learned about astronomer and the underground wells
  • medicine
  • Muslims made some of their most important innovations in the field of medicine. They learned a great deal from the work of ancient Greeks and Indians. Then, as in other fields of study, they improved upon this earlier knowledge.
  • As with all scholarship, some Muslims studied geography simply out of curiosity, but it had practical uses, too. For example, Muslims were able to create extremely accurate maps due to the study of geography. A scholar in Muslim Spain even produced a world atlas, with dozens of maps of lands in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
  • Scholarship and Learning
  • . Al-Khwarizmi is best known as “the father of algebra.” In fact, the word algebra comes from the title of one of his books. It originated in an Arabic phrase, al-jabr, meaning “the reunion of broken parts.”
  • art and music
  • artists referenced shapes and patterns found in nature and geometry to create marvelous designs and decorations.
  • For some problems, surgeons performed delicate operations as a last resort. Drugs, such as opium and hemlock, put patients to sleep before operations. Muslim surgeons removed limbs, took out tumors, and cleared cataracts (cloudy spots) from the eye. After surgery, doctors used thread made from animal gut to stitch the wounds.
  • Scholarship and learning were very highly valued in Islamic culture. Muhammad is reported to have said, “The ink of scholars is more precious than the blood of martyrs.”
  • There, Caliph al-Ma'mun founded the House of Wisdom in 830, where scholars from many lands gathered to do research and to translate texts from Greece, Persia, and India.
  •  Muslims earned fame for their decorative arts. Early in the history of Islam,
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