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Causes and Effects of World War I

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Causes and Effects of World War I
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  • Glide: 1
  • Cause of World War I: Militarism
  • Excuse me Rupert! Why are we making all these guns on this assembly line? Is war coming?
  • Oh my goodness, this factory produced way too many guns and weapons, this militarism is turning into something sinister...
  • Don't worry, we won't let the other European nations make more weapons than us!
  • Just received word from the General, we need to produce a lot more weapons!
  • Militarism was one of the main causes of World War I for a number of reasons. Militarism was the building up of a nation's armies, weapons, and military. This led to World War I because every nation built up their military way too much and were desperate to use it. 
  • Glide: 2
  • Cause of World War I: Alliances
  • England does not like the Central Powers either!
  • France does not like the Central Powers!
  • The United States doesn't like the Central Powers either, can we join together in an alliance?
  • Alliances were another main cause of World War I. Alliancesare agreements between nations stating that each country will assist the other if they are attacked. On the verge of World War I, there were two large alliances, which consisted of the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance.
  • Glide: 3
  • Cause of World War I: Nationalism
  • Fight to defend our country!
  • Prove to your nation just how much pride you have for it!
  • All these nationalistic recruits will add to our nation's military!
  • U-S-A! Let's go "Over There!"
  • All other nations are inferior to us!
  • Nationalism was a major cause of World War I. Nationalism is the feeling of extreme pride in one's country. Nationalism brought feelings of unity and pride to many nations within Europe. Leading up to World War I, people in Europe started to define themselves based on their nation and in opposition to others. Nationalism was extremely high.
  • Glide: 4
  • Cause of World War I: Imperialism
  • Hawaii will never be ruled by a monarchy again! I will have to live in exile for the rest of my days! Imperialism is unfair and unjust!
  • Queen Liliuokalani, Hawaii has been annexed by the United States. Sign it over, or else.
  • Oh no! The Americans were successful with their coup of our country!
  • Imperialism was one of the last major causes of World War I. Imperialism is when a country takes control of another country for economic reasons.The search for land, raw materials, and resources to fuel industry and markets to buy goods in far-flung corners of the world led to increased tensions between European nations.
  • Glide: 5
  • Cause of World War I: Assassination 
  • I am the spark that ignited the powder keg of Europe!
  • Oh no! We have been shot!
  • Stop the Serbian assassin! He just shot the Archduke and his pregnant wife!
  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the main cause of World War I. In 1914, the Balkan Peninsula was a region in southeastern Europe. The Balkans was a tense and hostile region: Under the control of Austria-Hungary, many Serbians wanted their independence. Serbian nationalists decided to act and assassinate the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This assassination, or killing of a government leader led directly to war breaking out in Europe between the European Alliances.
  • Glide: 6
  • Effect: The World is at War!
  • Charge! Take the front line trenches!
  • No retreat! No surrender!
  • Make sure you fire over the parapets! We need to push them back!
  • I'm shell shocked! I want to go home!
  • World War I was the first global conflict that involved multiple European nations with each other. It resulted in a massive loss of life on both sides of the conflict, with both sides using new weapons, trench warfare, and total warfare to destroy their enemies. World War I resulted in over 10 million soldiers being killed.
  • Glide: 0
  • Here they come across No Mans Land!
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