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Life during the Civil War

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Life during the Civil War
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  • At the camps the physical exercise was tiring. They often wrote letters and notes so when the mailman showed up they were very eager. The camps were mentally and physically exhausting. A lot of soldiers died from disease or in combat. Some camps established Libraries, newsletters, post offices, churces and theaters to make it more enjoyable. Certain camps had bands to help uplift the soldiers spirits. 
  • I'm so tired of running and excersizing. 
  • I cant do this anymore!
  • Until 1865 African Americans were not allowed to fight in combat. During the civil war, more than 200,000 African Americans enlisted in the Union army and about 30,000 African Americans enlisted in the navy. Another quarter of a million black men and women worked for the army as nurses, cooks, pilots, fortification builders, while many more served as guides, spies, and scouts.
  • Can I fight in the war? 
  • NO! You aren't allowed to.
  • Before the discovery of anesthesia, many wounded soldiers went under procedures fully awake. Patients were strapped down so they could not move. The dead would lay on the battlefield where they have fallen. Often doctors ampuated limbs since they were understaffed. During operations Cloroform was used to keep them unconsious.
  • My Arm hurts so Bad 
  • Union Troops were given beans, bacon, pickled beef, and hard square shaped biscuits. Southerners were given commeal mixed in bacon grease. Both armies had the prefered drink of both armies.
  • I Dont want to eat Commeal Anymore!
  • more than 50,000 men died in the camps. The worst prinson was andersonville, the largest prison in the south. The libby prison in the Richmond, Virginia was very overcrowded with 8 rooms for 1200 men. The most fatal disease at the camps were dysentery.
  • There are too many people in here. 
  • Battles during the Civil War were usually short. Most of them were fought in rugged forested country. The battles were very traumitizing.
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