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Fahrenheit 451 cartoon project

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Fahrenheit 451 cartoon project
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  • I have a couple questions
  • Montag and Clarisse come across each other and Clarisse asks " Is it true that long ago firemen put fires out instead of start them?" ( Bradbury 6).
  • Yeah sure what is it?
  • MIldred is so obsessed with the TV parlor, that she has become very good at understanding people, " She was an expert at lip reading from ten years of apprenticeship at Seashell ear-thmbles" ( Bradbury 16).
  • Are you ok?
  • Montag encounters the deadly hound at the fire station. Montag is very afraid of the hound because, " the Hound leaping out like a moth in the raw light, finding, holding its victim, inserting needle and going back to its kennel to die as if a switch had been turned on" ( Bradbury 23).
  • No,no, boy!
  • Oh my god.
  • Montag has taken out his books that he has been hiding. This immediately scares Mildred, " Mildred backed away as if she were suddenly confronted by a pack of mice that had come up out of the floor" ( Bradbury 63).
  • I'm sorry but now we are in this together.
  • Do you know how many copies of the bible are left?
  • Montag calls Faber to asks him, " I have a rather odd question to ask. How many copies of the bible are left in the country?" ( Bradbury 71).
  • Montag and Faber come up with a plan to take down the firemen. Faber suggests " We print extra books and arrange to have them hidden in firemen's houses all over the country, so that seeds of suspicion would be sown among these arsonists, bravo, I'd say!" ( Bradbury 81).
  • How about we plant books in the firemen's homes?
  • If we arrange books to be planted all across the country I agree!
  • Montag gets so angry, that he takes the flamethrower and shoots it at Beatty, " Montag shot one continuous pulse of liquid fire on him" ( Bradbury 113).
  • Montag makes his way to Fabers house with a numb leg, because the hound injecting him with a needle.
  • I'm so numb
  • Montag crosses through the river, and ends up with the intellectuals.
  • The war starts and an atomic bomb is dropped and destroys the city.
  • Image Attributions: ( - Free-Photos - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (

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