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Découvrir - Verbes à Particule Anglais

Verbe à Particule Anglais : Pour le Savoir

Encyclopédie Illustrée des Verbes de la Phrase Anglaise

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Storyboard Description

Verbes à Particule Anglais - Pour le Savoir

Texte du Storyboard

  • TO FIND OUTTo discover a piece of informationExample: Annabelle found out where the dirty marks were coming from.
  • I think I've found out where all this dirt is coming from!
  • TO FIND OUTTo discover someone's dishonestyExample: Angus was worried that Shelly would be found out.
  • I'm going to call the online store and tell them my package never arrived. They will send me a new one!
  • That's so dishonest! Aren't you worried about them finding out?
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