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Rechercher - Verbes à Particule Anglais

Verbe à Particule Anglais : Rechercher

Encyclopédie Illustrée des Verbes de la Phrase Anglaise

Les verbes à particule anglais comme "to look up" sont délicats ! Consultez notre Encyclopédie en images pour aider les étudiants ENL à saisir toutes les significations !

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Storyboard Description

Verbes à Particule : Rechercher

Texte du Storyboard

  • TO LOOK UPTo find a piece of information.Example: Olivia didn't know what what onomatopoeia meant, so her teacher told her to look it up.
  • Look it up in the dictionary!
  • What does "onomatopoeia" mean?
  • TO LOOK UPTo get better. If a situation is looking up, it is improving.Example: Elsie had been very sick in hospital for a week, but things were looking up.
  • You have made an amazing recovery after your accident. Things are really looking up for you.
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