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English Civil War

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English Civil War
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स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • Unpopularity of Charles l
  • Charles l is the worst
  • That´s a little rude
  • Civil War
  • On guard!
  • Cavaliers
  • Roundheads
  • Overthrow of Charles l
  • Boo!
  • The petition placed limits on the king's ability to tax, imprison citizens without cause, quarter troops, and institute martial law. Charles initially accepted this petition, he ignored it after realizing the limits put on his power.
  • Restoration of the Stuart monarchy
  • We don´t want James ll
  • Complaints grew until England slipped into a civil war in 1642 between the supporters of the king (Cavaliers and Roundheads)
  • Glorious Revolution
  • Cromwell purged Parliament of any members who had not supported him. the so-called Rump Parliament—had Charles I executed on January 30, 1649.
  • English Bill of Rights
  • Happy
  • when James ll became king, Religion once more became a cause of conflict between king and Parliament. Parliament objected to James's policies but stopped short of rebellion.
  • Yeah
  • William's forces landed at Torbay and began their march toward London. the defection of his daughter Anne and her husband, James retreated to London.With almost no bloodshed, England had undergone a "Glorious Revolution."
  • Attack
  • The English Bill of Rights also helped create a system of government based on the rule of law and a freely elected Parliament. The rule of law holds that all people are subject to the same laws, even someone such as a king or queen.
  • Yay
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए