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Causes of the Stock Market Crash of 1929

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Causes of the Stock Market Crash of 1929
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स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • Introduction of The New Deal
  • The birth of the Witch Trials / The first signs of Witches
  • How the Salem Witch Trials were done
  • To the gallows!
  • What heresy!
  • Not guilty!
  • How do you plead?
  • The Flipside / The Truth of the WItch Trials
  • The first accusations of Witches originated from Betty Paris and Abigail Williams. Witchcraft was often associated with pious, inherently good people mysteriously dying, It is said that people become witches by swearing loyalty to Satan in exchange for supernatural powers. Unfortunately, no one considered that Satan could trick people into believing their fellow Puritans are Witches although they are innocent.
  • Conclusions / The end of the Salem Witch Trials
  • The Witch trials are getting out of hand. I must do something!
  • Most of the Salem Wtch trials were focused on repentence over evidence, quite contrary to modern courts. However, there were evidence classified as spectral evidence which were dreams or visions that were presented to court. Due to Puritan society, it was easier to exploit with a false confession instead of proclaiming innocence and being hanged.
  • My view on the Salem Witch trials / Additionoal information
  • In the end, the real work of the Devil here was the hysteria caused by the panic that struck the Puritans. Often times, peer pressure can force people to think and act in fiendish ways. I say it is out of a corrupt sense of religious survival instinct. The Puritans tried to maintain a religious society, but ended up conflicting God's morality and truth.
  • There are many theories surrounding what Witchcraft was. In 1970, Scientists hypothesize that the rye crop the Puritans harvested had ergot fungus which can cause hallucinations.
  • Beforehand, William Phips was a Governor who cared for his colony, but managing a strict, religious colony created hard decisions on William. On October 12, 1692, The Salem Witch trials ended when Govener Sir William Phips issued a declaration that ended the unjust trials.
  • The Salem Witch Trials ended with 20 confirmed deaths by trial in total. Eventually, the aftermath of the Witch Trials left many of the accused in turmoil which led them to move away from Salem. Another source of the madness was the relationship between the Salem Village and the Salem Town and resulted in the fatalistic accusations.
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