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  • माय स्टोरीबोर्ड्स


एक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएँ
इस स्टोरीबोर्ड को कॉपी करें
Storyboard That

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • During the Great depression ,Herbet Hoover was at power and blamed after he failed President Franklin Rosevelt became President.
  • Please proceed..
  • I am proposing a plan for this country..
  • We would like to know you deal .
  • The Stock Market became so much better since President came in office.
  • The New deal reform focused on relief and reform in the form of public works.
  • Sure has employment is increasing and people are getting jobs.
  • His deal enhanced the national goverment role in the economy and the lives of individuals.
  • Life is going to get a whole lot better now.
  • TIme for me to start drinking since I lost all my money and have nothing to do with my life..
  • He is starting to drink his life away because he lost all his family and lots of money.
  • Hello this is my new house.
  • He lost his house and family so he is going to live on a plantation.
  • Where did all my things go.
  • In this picture he lost all his things in the dust bowl.
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए