  • खोज
  • माय स्टोरीबोर्ड्स

My Myth

एक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएँ
इस स्टोरीबोर्ड को कॉपी करें
My Myth
Storyboard That

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • Ordinary world
  • Call to adventure
  • Crossing the threshold
  • There was a king called Argos and he was growing old. He was told that the son of his daughter would cause his death, thus, he locked his daughter in a robust, brass prison.
  • Tests/Trials
  • Years past by and the more Danae was older, the more she was beautiful. She married the god Zeus and had a son called Perseus. When king Argos found out about Perseus, he was starting to worry that the words of Prophecy would come true, so he threw Danae and Perseus into a chest. When they arrived, the king of the island challenged Perseus to slay Medusa's head.
  • Quest
  • Not knowing how to start, he rushed to the shore planning his quest, two mysterious people pointed that he needed to head of to the direction of the Grey sisters and collect the 3 things from the Maidens of the west before challenging Medusa. After that the people gave him winged sandals to fly quicker, he soon realised they were the goddess Athena and the god Hermes.
  • Return Journey and resolution
  • After he visited the Grey sister's and asked them where to find the Maidens of the west, he soon arrived in front of a golden apple tree with 3 guards securing, he could tell those were the Maidens of the west. The Maidens of the west agreed to help and they offered Perseus not 3 but 4 items, a shield, the invisible cap, the sword and a magic bag.
  • Perseus thanked the Maidens and set of to the Gorgons. He knew that if he stared directly at Medusa, he would turn to stone, so he wore the cap of invisibility. After a while, he reached where the dreadful Gorgons were. Very cleverly, he used the shield as a reflective mirror, he eyed the snake haired monsters, eager, he drew his diamond sword and sliced Medusa's head, he shoved her head into the magic bag and swiftly flew back to the islands.
  • Making sure his invisible cap was secured on, he set of on the journey back home.
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए