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  • माय स्टोरीबोर्ड्स

Comic Strip A

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Comic Strip A
Storyboard That

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

अपना स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाएं

इसे मुफ़्त में आज़माएं!

स्टोरीबोर्ड पाठ

  • "I wonder why the TV screen shut off after my favorite superhero, Snapshot, lost to Cider, the Spider King."
  • "Come on Milo, let's go for a walk. After all, I do need to clear my mind a little bit."
  • "Have Fun!"
  • "Milo, I think Snapshot got captured by Cider, the Spider King!"
  • "Anyways, let's just continue on our walk."
  • "That's it! I need to rewatch that footage from the TV to see where he was captured."
  • News Station
  • "I think this is the news station, we can finally get to the bottom of this."
  • TV Station Waiting Room
  • "Milo, we got the footage of what happened to Snapshot. We have to save him!"
  • "Now, I think I should catch you guys up. Basically, what happened was I was fighting the Spider King for my show and I lost. Now I'm hanging upside down in a web waiting for Jack and Milo to save me. ok, now that you are caught up, let's get back to the story."
  • "Come on Milo, we have to save Snapshot!"
  • "Milo come quick! I see the cave where Snapshot got captured!"
  • "Jack, Milo, come sae me! I am at the back of the cave and nee..."
  • 4. "Actually, I will save him Jack! I have had superpowers since I was a puppy and it's time to put them to use!"
  • 2. "Don't worry Snapshot! We are coming! Just stay put!"
  • 1. "Jack! Milo! He is about to attack! Save me please!"
  • 3. "Stay put! What do you mean? I can't even move!"
  • 1. "Milo, are you ok? What happened Snapshot? I did not know that Milo had superpowers!"
  • 3. "Ok, fine, but I need to say goodbye to Milo. I cannot believe he did that."
  • 2. "Jack, I don't think it is going to end well for Milo. But, I have to tell you something and now is not the time."
  • 1. "Snapshot, I don't understand what happened. Why did Milo start talking? How did he save you and how did he kill the Spider King?"
  • 2. "Listen Jack, Milo was actually my dog that I gave powers to and then he ran away and got lost. That is when your parents took Milo in to their home. When Milo saw me, he saved me and sacrificed his life for me. Look Jack, what I want you to do is just go home and go to bed. Trust me."
  • 3. "Fine."
  • "I'm going home to sleep like you told me."
  • 1. "Jack, where are you going?"
  • "Oh no! I'm in a cemetery and got lost on my way home. I don't know where I am and don't have anybody with me."
  • Grace Chessmen1994-2016
  • "Ugh! I'm lost in a cemetery with nobody with me and now it's raining."
  • "Yes, I finally made it out and I see the entrance. Oh wait, what is this on the tombstone?"
  • Grace Chessmen1994-2016
  • "That's weird, it says that her name was Grace Chessmen and that she died by sadness after her husband left her to go go important work that no one could know about."
  • Grace Chessmen1994-2016
  • "I am still curious who Grace Chessmen's husband could be and I think it is right under my nose. Anyways, I see my house and I can finally get out of the rain. This should brighten up the mood for myself."
  • "Yes, I am finally home and can go to bed."
  • "Milo, it's time for be..., oh, that's right, he died. Anyways, I am just going to go to sleep and forget it ever happened."
  • "I will miss you Milo."
  • The Next Morning
  • "Ok, coming."
  • 4. "OK?"
  • 2. "Snapshot, why are you here?"
  • 1. "Jack, I think there is someone that wants to talk to you."
  • 3. "Jack, come outside and let me tell you somethinghing."
  • 1. "Jack, remember when I told you to go home and go to bed? " 3. "Ok, good, but did you happen to notice anything different today when you woke up?"
  • 2. "Yes, I do remember, It started to rain, I got home and went to bed." 4. "No, I did not, why?"
  • "Ok, I will."
  • 1. "Alright, I want you to go back to your room and come back down and we will talk more."
  • "That was weird. Why did Snapshot want me to go back u to my room?"
  • "Ruff!"
  • "Milo, you are alive! I thought you were dead!"
  • 2. "Jack, the reason why I brought Milo back to life was because I wanted to teach you that you should never take anything for granted. Also, when you got lost in that gre=aveyard and saw Grace Chessman on the tombstone, well, that is actually my wife. We are now millionaires living in Miami Beach."
  • 1. "Snapshot, thank you so much! I can't believe you brought Milo back to life."
30 मिलियन से अधिक स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाए गए