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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Mrs. Stacy i have a question?
  • yes tony whats your question?
  • what are integer?
  • integers are numbers with different symbols for example if i add or subtract positive numbers like 2+1=3 or 2-1=1 the answer will be positive but if the numbers are negative your answer will be negative like -2+-1=-3 or -2- -1=-1
  • ok and how do you add integers?
  • so if both numbers have the same sign you just have to add the numbers and put the same sign the numbers you added have but if the signs are different you keep the sign of the larger number and subtract the smallest number from the largest.
  • Mhm and how do you subtract integers?
  • Well its the similar to adding when the numbers have the same sign well you just subtract and put the same sign as the numbers you subtracted but if the signs are different you keep the sign of the larger number and add the smallest number from the largest.
  • oh ok I understand now thanks Mrs.Stacy
  • No problem Tony i'm glad you understand now
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