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Prophet Muhammad :)

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Prophet Muhammad :)
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Muhammad Is Born - 570 C.E.
  • Muhammad Meets & Marries Khadija - 595 C.E.
  • Visited By An Angel - 610 C.E.
  • In the year 570 C.E, Amina gave birth to Prophet Muhammad in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. His father passed away before he was born, and his mother passed away 6 years later. Muhammad was orphaned and was later raised by his uncle after his grandfather passed away.
  • Banished From Mecca - 622 C.E.
  • In the year 595 C.E, Prophet Muhammad met a beautiful and wealthy widow named Khadija while on his trip to Syria. Khadija had stopped marrying until she met Prophet Muhammad who was honest and could conduct business for her.
  • Conquering Mecca - 629 C.E.
  • As Muhammad was praying in a cave inside Mount Hira like he often does, he was visited an angel named Jibreel in the year 610 C.E. Jibreel told Muhammad to recite, and Prophet Muhammad recited the words which he believed were the words of God.
  • Muhammad dies - 632 C.E.
  • After spreading the words of God throughout Mecca, he gained many followers. However, Prophet Muhammad was banished from Mecca because the people in power thought he was threatening. Muhammad and his followers then travelled to Medina.
  • While Muhammad was at Medina, he gained a lot of popularity and a bug following. After 7 years, Prophet Muhammad and his followers came back to Mecca and conquered it, converting everyone to the "true religion."
  • After 62 years, Prophet Muhammad sadly passed away in the year 632 C.E. due to an illness. However, Prophet Muhammad will be remembered for all of his accomplishments and achievements that he achieved throughout his life, and the religion of Islam will never be forgotten.
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