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The Abduction Of Persephone By Hades

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The Abduction Of Persephone By Hades
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • oh Hades! hello! join me in the beautiful flowers! beautiful day today isn't it?
  • I suppose I have sometime
  • whats the big deal with flowers anyway?
  • mwa hahahah! Hades will be falling head over heals in love with Persephone!
  • and see these flowers? these are called pink beauties! they are beautiful!
  • those are um very pretty Persephone...but i've gotta get going. Don't want the steeds to run away!
  • um Hades, you alright?
  • Hades, are you alright? I'm sorry, but I can't marry you. I already have somebody I love more than ever.
  • what the heck...
  • Persephone, will you marry be and become my queen of the underworld?
  • how have I ever not noticed how simply beautiful Persephone is? the shining locks of hair...the rosy cheeks...
  • you are the most stunning goddess in the world!
  • Hades stop that...your scaring me!
  • Hades then takes persephone and taked her down to the underworld!
  • But Persephone I love you! I need you to be with me, even if that means its against your will....
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