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  • Saját Storyboards

The Wanted Scammer

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The Wanted Scammer
Storyboard That

Készítse el saját forgatókönyvét

Próbáld ki ingyen!

Készítse el saját forgatókönyvét

Próbáld ki ingyen!

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Scammer Talking with the victim
  • Good Afternoon Gloria remember the phone call we had about that business I recommended
  • Victim and business partner taking to the scammer
  • Good Day Mr white yes I remember do I actually had sent the money the number is 123 4567 8992
  • Here it is Gloria 123 4567 8992
  • Scammer taking account money transfer number
  • Yes,thanks I am going to talk with the business owners. In receiving this money.
  • Scammer taking account money transfer number
  • Yes,thanks I am going to talk with the business owners. In receiving this money.
  • Going to the bank
  • Service,Service!! Oh my god Police there gonna know who I am have to run.!!
  • Stop!!put your hands in the air now and go on your knees long time you have been wanted.
  • Good day yes we have caught him thanks to you and in bars thanks to you Mrs.Gloria your money will be given back to you tomorrow
  • Victim and business partner taking to the scammer
  • Hello Good Afternoon officer caught Mr.White my business superviser what did he do.
  • Good Afternoon officer have you caught him/Mr white.Yes he was scamming I did some background check and saw that he was wanted for scamming so i told the police to wait for him at the back
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