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The American Revolution

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The American Revolution
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • The Olive Branch Petition
  • Do not let the American Ships leave the ports!
  • Peace?
  • British Navy
  • The Battle of Saratoga
  • French and Spanish Aid
  • Food
  • Supplies
  • Moderates in Congress draft the Olive Branch Petition asking the king to restore peace. The king rejects the offer and sends the British Navy to block American ships from leaving the ports.
  • The End of the War
  • A series of battles have been fought between the British and Americans. The Americans lost every battle. During the battle of Saratoga, European nations helped the Americans in its struggle of independence.
  • The Treaty of Paris
  • The French and the Spaniards provide food and supplies to the Americans to help win the Revolution. They do this because England was their common enemy.
  • A Change in Ideas
  • I agree, we should govern instead of having a king and we should place the goof of the country above individual interest.
  • We should replace our idea of rights with republicanism!
  • The Battle of Yorktown would be the last major battle of the American Revolution. The Americans and the French bombarded the British making them surrender.
  • The Treaty of Paris officially ended the war. The United State was independent and its boundaries would be the Mississippi River on the west, Canada on the north, and Spanish Florida on the south.
  • Treaty of Paris
  • The American Revolution had some change in ideas. Americans replaced their idea of rights with republicanism. They agreed to not have a king and to govern their country. They placed the good of the country above individual interest.
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