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Drama Food Storyboard

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Drama Food Storyboard
Storyboard That

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Próbáld ki ingyen!

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Hello hello! I'm Mr Richard Riches
  • I've heard your food is supplied in EVERY supermarket across the state! It must be the rich soil.
  • Hello, Sir, what brings you here?
  • I want to buy your land now!
  • I'll give you thousands of dollars! $$$
  • It is a lot of work, supplying to every supermarket.Ok, you can have it.
  • I'm sorry, I don't want to sell, Sir
  • Welcome to Sunnydale Farms! A healthy and thriving organic farm owned by Farmer Dan.
  • To farm organically, it costs a lot of money.
  • But one summer's day everything changed... Mr Richard Riches came along.
  • There HAS to be a way to farm cheaply?! What is it?
  • We could use chemicals and pestasides?But that's very bad for the environment.
  • Farmer Dan decided that the farm was a lot of work and he could really use the money to help out his family. So he sold his farm to Richard Riches!
  • Work harder!Work faster! Use more chemicals!
  • Richard immedidately hired lots of workers and demanded them to start farming. But Richard only cared about making money, and when he learned that organic farming was expensive he grew mad.
  • WHAT!? But that won't make any money! The only reason I want this farm is to make money!
  • Richard Riches demanded his workers to use bad chemicals and pestasides to farm the food cheaply.
  • I don't care about the environment! Use the darn chemicals!
  • Richard started to get impaitent with his workers. He needed the food ready quickly to make money! He stopped caring about any environmental issues and filled his farm with dirty pestasides.
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