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The story of Arachne and Athena

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The story of Arachne and Athena
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Athena the Goddess of wisdom heard a girl compare herself to a Goddess, and looked down from Mount Olympus to listen
  • How can she be better?
  • No one can weave as well as I- not even the Goddess Athena who invented weaving!
  • Athena decided to disguise herself as an old lady, to have a talk with Arachne's
  • How dare she say these things?! I'm going to disguise myself and teach that foolish girl a lesson!
  • When Athena arrived she started to ask the girl about her skills, after hearing about what Arachne's was saying, Athena decided to show who she really is
  • Hello, I heard that you were blessed with amazing weaving skills, is that true that you are better than the Goddess Athena herself?
  • My talents are my own, and I am, indeed better than the Goddess Athena herself
  • Athena took off her cape and showed the girl who she really is, Athena was so angry she told Arachne that they will have a weaving competition
  • Well if you are indeed better than me, I will challenge you to compete against me in a weaving competition
  • Athena was so furious to find out that the foolish girl was only slightly better than her
  • There is no way this foolish girl is only a tiny bit better than me!
  • With that Athena grabbed Arachne's work, shreded it into pieces, as soon as that happened Arachne's turned into a spider
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