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The Geography and Early Development of Rome

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The Geography and Early Development of Rome
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Location and geography of Rome
  • Myth of Romulus and Remus
  • The Etruscan influence of engineering on the Romans 
  • Rome is located in Italy, which includes a peninsula and islands in southern Europe. The Italian peninsula is shaped a lot like a boot and reaches into the Mediterranean Sea with its toe pointed toward the island of Sicily.
  • The Etruscan influence of sports on the Romans
  • Romulus and Remus were two brothers to be raised by a she-wolf. They would soon grow up to be the creators of Rome but Romulus killed his brother to name it Rome
  • The Greek influence of architecture on the Roman civilization 
  • The Romans became excellent builders because they learned many techniques about engineering, or the science of building, from the Etruscan's. Two important Etruscan structures the Romans adapted were the arch and the cuniculus.
  • The Greek influence of writing, art, and religion on the Romans
  • the Romans also stole sports from the Entrusticans such as chariot racing and gladiator fighting
  • The Romans used Greek designs in their own public buildings. Eventually, they learned to use concrete to create even larger
  • The religion of the Romans was a blend of many influences. For example, they followed Etruscan religious rituals in founding their cities. However, it was Greek religion that especially influenced Roman ideas about the gods.
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