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  • Saját Storyboards

History Project

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History Project
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • We need to get rid of these babies. Let's go!
  • The next day...
  • Their parents tried to drown them but luckily a lion found them, but the babies drank magical water by accident so it allowed them talk.
  • Thank you Mister Lion.
  • 10 years later...
  • A kind man found them and discovered that they had royal blood and they would rule the town one day.
  • Come with me.
  • 2 month later...
  • I will get the throne.
  • I Romulus have won the deul!
  • The next day...
  • Turns out I wasn't too good at being king. No one likes me.
  • A few years later...
  • Time for Execution! Die!
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