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American constitution creation.

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American constitution creation.
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Dude, this government sucks. I'm starving. 
  • lucky...
  • I actually just ate but I know, someone should fix this.
  • The Articles of Confederation was not a good government system and along with a depression, the entire country was dissatisfied.
  • Dude, this government sucks. I'm starving.
  • That's just how terrible our government and this depression is.
  • I know someone should fix this. Wait how are you starving, you're rich.
  • And we mean the entire country. Even the rich didn't agree with the Articles of confederation and where feeling the affects of the depression.
  • This government is terrible, fix it. We're all starving and poor because of the depression you aren't helping.
  • People please calm down. We're going to get the delegates to fix the issues you're all having.
  • The country was struggling under the articles of confederation and so after seeing its general disappointment a group of delegates where assigned to fix it.
  • Booooo, Fix the government.
  • Gentleman, we gather here today to fix our government system and be hero's for our great nation.
  • I have so many ideas and things we could do.
  • Shut up New Jersey.
  • The Constitutional convention was then formed and were tasked with fixing the issues with the Articles of confederation.
  • Sorry.
  • I have ideas too, I'm so excited.
  • I propse the Virginia Plan. It's a plan that changes the entire articles of Confederation and allows states and its residents to vote for their president. It also introduces three branches of government to distribute the power.
  • I think its a good idea on paper but how are states rights going to be handled and how are we going to determine how the president is elected?
  • Discussions continued and a vow of secrecy was made. Although the Convnetion was only formed to fix the Articles, talk of making a completely new government system arose, and the Virginia Plan was brought up. 
  • That's actually a really good Idea and I agree with your proposition.
  • I'm not too sure. Seems kind of sketchy and I don't really agree with it.
  • How are state votes going to be counted? Does each state have a certain set of votes or are votes going to be counted on population?
  • I opt for a federalists government with a president and voting for citizens and the states.
  • How are citizens going to vote? Also how are the votes going to be counted?
  • Why a federalist government? Why don't we continue with a one house government system?
  • Talk of the Virginia Plan continued and questions started being asked, and the more that were answered the more the divisions between the federalists and anti-federalists began. 
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