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  • Saját Storyboards

About myself

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About myself
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Hi.I am Prem.I am new to this school.I completed my 10 th at Bharani Vidhyalaya.My hobby is to play badminton and listen music.
  • Hi.Tell about yourself
  • Hi.How are you.Tell about yourself.
  • Hi.I am pranika.I am a soothu muttai.I love pig curry with some Hershey's syrup.And also I am a fool.I will tell jokes often and I will even laugh for my jokes.I also love another food.It is curd rice with some soya sauce.
  • I am Prem.Why are you standing outside.ThatThat also in road.
  • I am a fool.please don't touch me.i gone and bitted them.they gave nice beatings in my dikki.
  • I gone to every house and asked are you a fool.they told me I am a I rushed inside and stealer their soap and throwed it on their face and told them it's a prank.they took a stick and hitted at my back which means is so paining.
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