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Nazism and The Rise of Hitler

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Nazism and The Rise of Hitler
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • October 4, 1929
  • New York Stock Market Crash!! Devastating blows on Germany..
  • New York Stock Market Crash!! Devastating blows on Germany..
  • New York Stock Market Crash!! Devastating blows on Germany..
  • New York Stock Market Crash!! Devastating blows on Germany..
  • April 10, 1932
  • 853-632
  • July 31, 1932
  • 37.4%
  • NAZI'S
  • The New York Stock Market begins to crash, causing a great economic depression in America and around the world. As the German economy was made dependent on the United States by the Dawes plan, it began to collapse.
  • January 30, 1933
  •  Hindenburg defeats Hitler at the second attempt to become president.
  • August 2, 1934
  • The NAZI Party polls at 37.4 percent and becomes the largest party in the Reichstag.
  • August 19, 1934
  • Hitler's assumption of the power of head of state in favor
  • Franz von Papen persuades Hindenburg that Hitler can be controlled; Hitler is made chancellor, with Papen vice-chancellor.
  •  President Paul von Hindenburg dies and Adolf Hitler declares himself Fuhrer of Germany, becoming head of state as well as Chancellor. 
  •  German voters retroactively endorse Hitler's assumption of the powers of the head of the state in a referendum, with89.9% in favor; Hitler effectively becomes the absolute dictator of Germany.
  • 89.9%
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