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Boston Tea Party Comic

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Boston Tea Party Comic
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Storyboard Leírás

Este comic cuenta La Historia del Boston Tea Party resumidamente y muy entrenida Manera

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Three Ships Were going To import Tea to the boston Harbor The Royal Governor persisted that the tea be imported, to the ships weren't given permission to turn back.
  • Perfect Lets Start
  • Hey did you hear about the group of guys who wanted to throw out the incoming tea?
  • Yeah! its about time people do something about the goverments unfair rules!!
  • Drop the tea NOW!!
  • Yeah Spill the tea all set
  • Libertys sons other settlers who decided to join,and adams threw a total of 342 boxes overboard
  • The Taxes will most likely be raised the colonist are just causing conflics I also heard that they are closing the harbor
  • Some colonists disguised as indians threw all of the imported teaoverboard!
  • Did you Hesr about what happend on the ship?
  • No, spill the tea!
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