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Steven's stages of grief

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Steven's stages of grief
Storyboard That

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Próbáld ki ingyen!

Készítse el saját forgatókönyvét

Próbáld ki ingyen!

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Denial 
  • "is the mistake took care of is everything ok did they say that the were wrong? They have to be wrong"
  • Anger
  • Any supposed father who doesn’t even address his son say, once a day, isn’t even a father, in my opinion.So thanks for being my sperm donor, Pop.Ooohhh, and then there’s my egg donor. Why hasn’t she checked in with me this week?
  • Bargaining 
  • If that bird flys away my brother will get better 
  • He would not let him self believe his brother had cancer and he kept asking if the mistake was all token care of 
  • Depression 
  • He got mad when his dad wouldn't talk to him and got a little mad when his brother threw up on his shoes 
  • Acceptance
  • I have to keep jeffy happy so he doesn't get hut 
  • Lets play games to see if they are going to be happy or akward
  • He kept making promises that he would quit doing something his brother would get better or something would happen and his brother would get better 
  • All 
  • He cried in his mothers arms when he found out 
  • He try's to keep his brother happy through all of it and not let his brother get in bad mood 
  • Steven went through a lot of emotions after his brother got cancer even though we didn't see the whole stage we saw parts of the stages  
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