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Julius Caesar Storyboard

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Julius Caesar Storyboard
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Act 1 The Entrance
  • Act 1 The Entrance
  • Act 2 
  • The people of Rome being happy over Caesar winning over Pompey,and some of people are mad that they are being disrespectful. 
  • Act 2 
  • The soothsayer Waring Caser of the betrayal that is coming to him. 
  • Act 3 The Betrayal 
  • Cassius and Brutus discussing an Caesars power Cassius wants Brutus on his side but Brutus likes Caesar.
  • Act 3 The Betrayal
  • Cassius planned a attack on Caesar before he becomes the king and he wants Cina to give Brutus some letters to win him for his side
  • When Cesar goes to the senate the people that where planning against him kill him. Caesars last words where you too Brutus. 
  • Brutus gives a speak saying how much he loves Caesar but Rome has his love more and that this was done for the good of Rome. 
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