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  • Saját Storyboards

Dramatic Writing

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Dramatic Writing
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • It all started one day in Kate's math class...
  • My dream is to become famous! So, today is my last day of class, I am going to pursue my dreams!!
  • Kate longed to be famous and she finally was achieving her dream. But, things can quickly change...
  • I'm finally going to be famous!!!!!!
  • Omg!! Thank you so much for this award of best new artist! I am so happy!
  • A few years later...
  • Kate's house was always bombarded by fans who leaked her address...
  • Go away! This is my personal property and I would appreciate some privacy.
  • Wow! Can I have a picture with you??
  • After Kate's car was being followed by the paparazzi, she was very upset. She couldn't take it anymore.
  • Omg... they are following me again. I am just trying to go to the doctors!!
  • I'm sorry... once you become so famous they will never leave you alone. Trust me, I wish I never became famous.
  • The End.
  • I wish I was never born!!! I hate this. I never have any privacy and everyone just cares about my success. I'm going to expose the truth of Hollywood tomorrow..
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