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Storyboard Leírás

greek stuff

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Odysseus sails off on his epic odyssey.
  • Yay! I'm going on an adventure!
  • Odysseus Interactions with the Cyclops
  • You're ugly.
  • Odysseus and his men discover a siren.
  • What's wrong with you?
  • Odysseus and his men sailing off to fight for their homeland.
  • Odysseus's clever mind.
  • Odysseus and his men finding the cyclops and talking with him, trying to make him move the boulder.
  • Odysseus Returns Home.
  • Odysseus and his men find a Siren, and which they are baffled.
  • Odysseus discovers something.
  • Odysseus and his men find strange flowers. Odysseus and his men eats them.
  • These look great! Let's eat them!
  • They make it home safely.
  • I can't wait to see my wife after 20 long years!
  • Odysseus goes on a rampage and slaughters all of the men sleeping in his house.
  • job well done me.
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