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The Modern Black Woman

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The Modern Black Woman
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • The Black Woman has a very complex identity that separates her from both women and black people
  • Black women have an intersectionality identity- this means that they have 2 identities that cross; being both black and a woman
  • they face racism from other races of any gender
  • they also face sexism from men of any race
  • Growing up, they are taught to be strong, independent, and self sufficient, (many of these traits make them seen as more masculine
  • From a young age, they already know how to basically be a wife and a mom. Which is a big burden for a young girl
  • This is a very different way of growing up compared to their male counterparts; who are taught to fend for themselves and be non-threatening as a black man
  • As the black woman grows up, she feels the distance and disparity from the black man, because they grew up in completely different ways.
  • The black woman feels like she is carrying the world on her shoulders, making the black man feel like a black woman is too much for them to handle; causing both of them to regularly date outside of their race.
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