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India caste levels

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India caste levels
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • India Caste LevelsBy: Bianca Servedio
  • I am in the highest caste level the Brahmins. There i am a priest. Priest devote their time to study, teach, perform sacrifice themselves, and officiating religious services.
  • We are in the second highest caste level the Kshatriyas. Here I am a ruler and warrior.
  • I am in the middle caste level as the Vaishyas. There i am a farmer, merchant, traders, and breeders.
  • I am the second lowest caste level  the Shudras but we really were considered the lowest. I have the jobs to be a peasant, slave, or artisan.
  • Im not even considered a part of the caste levels. I am part of the "Caste untouchables". The only jobs I get to do is cleaning sewers, lanterns, and clean dead animals all by hand.
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