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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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Próbáld ki ingyen!

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Nah, it's necessary
  • What? No, you should've gone to war
  • Why would you think that?
  • War is never a good choice
  • Joseph, why're you crying?
  • Damn, what happened?
  • I could've easily avoided their deaths if i gave my territory sooner, but I was stubborn
  • I miss my children so much.
  • Well, their deaths were definitely unfortunate, but it was necessary to achieve our desired peace
  • My people went to war and we do not regret it.
  • I could never bear to watch my children die
  • Wow, why not? Didn't a bunch of you die?
  • Definitely, atleast in my case, if we hadn't fought we would had lost our lands
  • Well, sacrifices are sometimes needed.
  • So owning land means peace for you?
  • So your saying death is neccessary for peace?
  • Yeah, I'd genuinely choose death over losing my lands.
  • That's why you lost it all, you were too optimistic and didn't want to fight.
  • If we fought we would've lost even more lives and lose, the white men legit had guns
  • I did the exact opposite
  • Well, that was definitely your fault, anyways, it's getting late and my horse is tired of waiting, bye Joseph.
  • How about when there was only few of them?
  • Yeah, it definitely is getting late, bye Patrick.
  • I didn't know they had evil intentions, and wecolmed them too kindly
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