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Battle Of Fort Sumter

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Battle Of Fort Sumter
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • I need to tell the president to send more supplies and soldiers
  • Random soldier UnionYeah can you just give us a little bit
  • Random Soldier CSA could you please leave
  • They aren't going to leave are they?
  • We dont have enough supplies
  • well, I told you to get out..... to bad you didn't
  • The Union and the Confederate Army's are going against each other at the Battle Of Fort Sumter.
  • Towns PeopleKILL 'EM
  • The Union and the Confederate military's fought over Fort Sumter.
  • A 4:30am on April 12, 1861, a canon was shot from the Confederacy onto Fort Sumter.
  • We surrender
  • Good choice
  • The battle was held in Charleston, South Carolina near the harbor.
  • The Union army was in the Confederate territory. The Confederates wanted them to leave, so the Union sent a letter to the president while they bought some time for Lincoln to send ships to the fort with supplies and soldiers
  • The Confederates won and the Civil war had officially begun.
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