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G.R.A.P.E.S India

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G.R.A.P.E.S India
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Geography
  • Religion
  • Achievements
  • Power
  • This is the Indus River and this river flowed across the northwest edge of the Indian subcontinent. It is covered in rich soil and used for fishing.
  • Politics
  • The religion in India id Hindu. It is a lot like polytheism.
  • Economy
  • The government changed a lot, divided into clans,leader called Raga.Power handed down through oldest male.
  • Society
  • we are going to learn about our governments economy
  • All of the Indians were divides into casts and the Rajas were in charge and protected them.
  • India had always struggled economically. They usually had 1-2 rooms in the residents homes. The government workers most likely lived in mansions.
  • Your religion determines your society. India cast systems,Brahma. They treasured education. You cant pick your career. If you marry outside your cast you become untouchable.
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