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Arkin 9b physics ar integration

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Arkin 9b physics ar integration
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • "but why?"
  • "no time! tell you later! score a goal!"
  • "Shary, kick the ball!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "yeah, yeah, I know."
  • "hey, you said you would explain-"
  • "Well, basically, it's just inertia. The ball doesn't have much inertia, so a small kick (or small force) can get it moving. The harder you kick, the more speed you give it. So something moving will never stop moving (or rolling) until an object or friction,"
  • "In this case, the net, stops it. And what is at rest stays at rest. But if nothing stops it, it will stay at the same velocity.
  • "you GOT IT!"
  • "so I had to kick the ball to get it going."
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