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  • Saját Storyboards

Lab Safety Cartoon

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Lab Safety Cartoon
Storyboard That

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Próbáld ki ingyen!

Készítse el saját forgatókönyvét

Próbáld ki ingyen!

Storyboard Szöveg

  • HAHA!!! Look at me!
  • This chemicals taste so good! You all should try it!
  • @!%!
  • They are so annoying...
  • Why should we?!
  • No Way!
  • @!%!
  • What's up with you guys?!
  • Now all of you guys start working!
  • I would like to explain a few safety rules now that the class is seated. To start with, do not digest or inhale chemicals as they could be toxic and there shouldn’t be horseplay in the lab.
  • Ahhh!
  • BOO!
  • Haha! I scared you!
  • What did the teacher just say? Keep it civil! Scaring people counts as horseplay!
  • Mrs. Pardee, There is broken glass at table 1.
  • Whenever you see glass, it is important to tell me before touching it, because if you touch the glass you could cut your hands.
  • I appreciate you telling me. If you ever see broken glass, don't forget to tell me.
  • To prevent stabbing your foot when there is glass or spilling chemicals on your feet, you should wear closed toed shoes whenever you are in the lab..
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