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  • Saját Storyboards


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Storyboard Szöveg

  • you boys have been a great help
  • come on Zero
  • I'm here to take Stanley
  • Stanley finds the treasure chest
  • I'm not leaving without Zero
  • Go get me Hector Zeroni's file
  • Go get me his file
  • He gathered his remaining strength, and tried to pull himself up out of the hole. Suddenly, a bright light was shining in his face. "Thank you," said the Warden. "You boys have been a big help." (203)
  • Stanley’s lawyer comes to take Stanley back home
  • “ Stanley’s lawyer took hold of Zero’s hand . C’mon,Hector, you're coming with us”.(222)
  • The lawyer take Stanley and Zero back home and open the treasure chest and become rich
  • Theme: There is hope even when things seem hopeless
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