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Newton's First Law

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Newton's First Law
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Do you want learn the first Newton's Law? 
  • hmmm, you know i'm not that good in science so i want to learn about that Law.
  • First of all this ball of yours is connected to what i will teach about Newton's First Law
  • So what in that ball? how does it connected in the Newton's First Law?
  • If this ball is at the rest and stay in a one place and this ball has been kick by unbalanced force changes speed and direction.
  • So how will you stop that ball if you kick that with a force?
  • I show you how will this ball to stop.. first of all we need to come in the soccer field
  • Okay.....
  • kick that ball and aim it on the net.. it will stop that's how the first Newton's Law
  • Newton's First LawTabo, John Ernie V.11 Abm-01
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