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PDHPE Refusal Skills

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PDHPE Refusal Skills
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Storyboard Leírás

PDHPE Refusal Skills Storyboard: Example 3 acted out

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Just before last period, Kylie's friend offers her a cigarette. Kylie doesn't know what to do, as she doesn't want to upset S, but knows that smoking is really terrible for you.
  • Uh, I'm not sure, S. I really have to get to biology now after I grab my book. Meet you at the gate.
  • Hey Kylie, after school do you wanna go for a smoke?
  • S doesn't relent, offering Kylie her cigarette, which she begrudgingly accepts.
  • Here Kylie, just try it. You'll like it.
  • Are you sure? I've never tried a cigarette and smoking can kill you. Not to mention, my mum would kill me. 
  • Because it's really bad to smoke, S. I don't want to start. I really have to go home now, see you tomorrow?
  • Kylie had chucked the cigarette in the bin, after proclaiming that she would have a smoke, but quickly disposing of it. S, however noticed it and confronted Kylie about it. Kylie, knowing she had really blown it, quickly hurried home .
  • Why didn't you have the cigarette Kylie? I gave it to you and watched you put it in the bin!
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