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The Last Chocolate Bar

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The Last Chocolate Bar
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Leírás

A bitter rivalry takes place in the qualms of a candy shop. Who will emerge with the last chocolate bar?

Storyboard Szöveg

  • I love chocolate bars! Ooo, there's only one left... I'll be taking that, haha!
  • Sorry about this, but that last chocolate bar is mine.
  • I was here first bro. You're gonna have to fight me for it.
  • Wait, no. I was just kidding-
  • Ok. Get ready to catch this Mike Tyson special.
  • That chocolate bar is mine!
  • WHAT?!??!
  • YOU'RE UNDER ARREST. Moral of the story is, if someone beat you to something, don't get petty and put up a fight.
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