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  • Saját Storyboards


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Storyboard Szöveg

  • competition, symbiosis, and predation.
  • competition is an animal fights over space, food, water, and shelter. one of the animal dies and the other animal gets the stuff to themselves
  • symbiosis is animal relationship like an insect getting pollen from a flower and the flower helps the bee to get pollen. ticks on a deer to eat the skin and lay eggs inside.
  • predation is a predator that eats a prey for food, like this wolf eating a deer to get energy from the prey.
  • now we know that how competition, symbiosis, and predation works in the wildlife of animals.
  • 1.a tick eats and lays eggs inside of an animal. What kind of symbiosis is that?2.if an animal competes with an animal What do they compete for?
  • its time for ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS!!!!
Több mint 30 millió storyboard készült