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Phineas Gage

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Phineas Gage
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Phineas Gage: The Gruesome Yet True Story of an Advancement in Brain Science
  • Who Was Phineas Gage?
  • Shot "Point" Blank
  • A story about Phineas Gage, a railroad worker who changed brain science forever.
  • A Strange Recovery
  • Phineas Gage was an intelligent, social man who's job was to tamp gunpowder and sand into holes to blow up areas for railroad track to be laid and to lead a team of other railroad workers. His job was incredibly dangerous, if not done properly. He was 5'7", 26, and was unmarried. But after the incident, being unmarried was for the better.
  • The After-Math
  • One day, Phineas was out tamping gunpowder into a hole, sitting over the hole with the tamping iron loosely between his legs. Suddenly, it strikes against the granite walls of the hole, and creates a spark. At that moment, disaster struck. The spark set off the gunpowder, acting as a gun barrel, sending his tamping iron through his left cheek, behind his left eye, and out of the top of his head, 38 feet behind him, all while he's still conscious.
  • The After-After-Math
  • Phineas was rushed into town for the search of medical attention, even though he acted like he was completely fine. The doctor was baffled about the injury, and didn't believe him at first. It took some convincing and the brain-battered tamping iron to get the doctor to believe them. He had what was called an open brain injury, which changed him as a person. After taking care of Phineas, he went to go do his job again, only to find out that he had been replaced.
  • Phineas was replaced due to a change in his behavior which caused him to act up around humans, but treat animals better than humans (which is very reasonable in my opinion). He turned into a really rude person after the incident. After being constantly rejected, he moved in with his parents.
  • After a while of living with his parents, and growing his fame, Phineas moves to Chile to become a stagecoach driver. He died of a stroke a few years afterward.
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