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Civil War

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Civil War
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • As of April 1862, we need men ages 20-45 to fight in this war.
  • I have to leave to fight for equality and freedom for all.
  • Oh my! What will I do while you're gone.
  • Goodbye Dear. I'm off to fight for the Union.
  • It was announced that because of the Civil War beginning, men without injuries or disabilities were needed to fight.
  • I'll join the war too! I can take care of wounded men, cook, and clean!
  • These men had little to no choice. They had to fight.
  • Once again, another casualty.
  • Soldiers left their families to join the war.
  • We surrender!!
  • Many women volunteered to help in the war effort.
  • The war went on for several years this way.
  • Finally, in 1865, Confederate troops surrendered to the Union's Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
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