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Refusal Skills Comic Strip

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Refusal Skills Comic Strip
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  •  Hey girl! I brought some nice drinks to refresh us out in the hot summer day
  • Is that beer?
  • Duh! What did you think it was?
  • You know what drinking does to you right? Especially us at such a young age
  • What does it do genius?
  • It can damage your lungs, liver and heart, along with many other organs in your body. And you can even get cancer or lose your appetite 
  • Whatever! It’s just a couple beers, no harm done. Hasn’t done me any harm, has it?
  • Don’t you remember what happened a few days ago? When you crashed your mom’s car because you were drinking?
  •  It’s not that big of a deal. Just take it and drink it, you’ll thank me later
  • No thanks, my mom doesn’t even let me drink anything with just a single hint of alcohol so I can’t drink the beer. I’ll text you later okay? I have to go, bye
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