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Gavin Kreul French indian War

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Gavin Kreul French indian War
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Ohio River Valley
  • The Ohio River Valley is awesome.
  • Start of French Indian War
  • Who built these forts I'm going to attack it
  • British defeats
  • We might lose this battle.
  • The ohio river was used for trapping and hunting.
  • fall of Quebec
  • They won't expect us climbing up a mountainside
  • This is when George Washington started the French Indian war by attacking the French Fort Duquesne.
  • British effects
  • The British were being very loud in large lines to fight the French.
  • taxes on colonies
  • How come we have to pay taxes but the rich don't
  • The British climbed the side of the mountain to take out Quebe on a cliff edge.
  • After the war the british were in lots of debt from the war.
  • why do we have to be in so much debt.
  • From that debt the rich decided to tax the colonists very harshly and in england they didn't ay anymore money for taxes.
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