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anne frank

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anne frank
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Anne Frank
  • Challenges she faced:Anne had a hard time getting along with some of the other inhabitants of the annex.
  • How does she change?During the time spent in the annex, Anne grows up quite a bit, not only physically but emotionally as well.
  • Traits: inquisitive, lively, bright, humorous, full of personality, understanding (especially in her writing about others), radiant, hopeful
  • Mrs. Frank
  • Challenges she faced:She also (sometimes unsuccessfully) tried to keep peace in the annex. Additionally, she had problems seeing eye-to-eye with Anne.
  • How does she interact with main character?She and Anne do not get along very well. They have very different opinions. She relies on Mr. Frank for support in her disagreements with Anne.
  • Traits:young, reserved, has slight German accent, gently bred
  • Otto Frank
  • How does he change?Over time, Mr. Frank transforms into somewhat of a rock for the other inhabitants of the annex, especially the children.
  • Traits:confident manner, slight German accent, tall, even-tempered, soothing, pillar of strength
  • Challenges he faced:It was difficult for him to keep peace in the annex. Even though he tried his best to be the peacemaker, arguments still broke out.
  • Peter Van Daan
  • Traits:shy, awkward, handsome, reserved, 16
  • How does he interact with main character?He and Anne grow on each other and end up falling in love. He likes confiding in her. Mr. Frank often helps Peter in his studies and is a positive role model.
  • Mr. Van Daan
  • Traits: boisterous, stingy, egotistical, temperamental, intelligent
  • How does he interact with main character?He and Anne strongly dislike each other. They constantly annoy each other and think the other is insufferable.
  • Margot Frank
  • Traits:18, beautiful, quiet, shy, well-behaved, neat/orderly, reserved
  • How does she interact with main character?Anne is sometimes bitter toward her because she thinks Margot is the prettier, well-liked, more intelligent of the two. Margot cares for Anne and wants her to start acting more maturely.
  • Challenges he faced:At first, he struggles to interact with the others in the attic and form friendships. He would rather be alone with his cat.
  • Challenges he faced:He is always bickering with those around him. He is so selfish, as he complains about not having enough food or tobacco.
  • Challenges she faced:Margot was very lonely in the annex, which increased when Peter and Anne developed feelings for each other.
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