Johdatus Muinaiseen Egyptiin - Kuolleiden Kirja

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Johdatus Muinaiseen Egyptiin - Kuolleiden Kirja
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Anubis brings the deceased to the judgement area.
  • Anubis oversees the weighing of the heart.
  • Acceptance to the afterlife.
  • Anubis was the god of mummification and the afterlife. He acted as a guide to the recently deceased in the underworld.
  • The God Thoth takes notes on the weighing of the deceased's heart. If it is heavy with sin and outweighs a feather, it will be consumed by "the devourer" - a beast that was part lion, part hippo and part crocodile.
  • Once the deceased passed judgement, he was presented to the Lord of the Underworld, Osiris. This presentation was done by Osiris's son Horus.

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