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Wolf Wilder Chapter 4 Summary

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Wolf Wilder Chapter 4 Summary
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Feo goes into the woods with Tenderfoot to find food for her
  • Look Tenderfoot! A squirrel
  • They then meet a boy called Ilya who threatens to shoot Tenderfoot under orders of General Rakov
  • Even if I don't want to, I have to
  • Tell that wolf to get away from me!
  • Black arrives to where they are in the woods and growls at Ilya
  • Feo figures out Tenderfoot is pregnant!
  • Tenderfoot is pregnant and about to give birth!
  • Tenderfoot gives birth to a dead pup
  • Tenderfoot unexpectedly gives birth to another pup which is alive!
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