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Great Depression Part 2

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Great Depression Part 2
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • I love being at home because in the basement most of the dust stays out and I don't have to wear a mask.
  • When at home we are mostly safe from the sand downstairs but we have ran out of food because we are lacking money and also crops on our farm.
  • In order to make money each week we have someone from the government come once every weekend and kill some of our cattle and in return we make some money. Most of our cattle are not being taken care of properly so this is for the better for them and for us to save money on more necessities.
  • Lastly to help us survive every Sunday we have this rabbit drive by. Because the rabbits come out of hiding due to everything drying up from the sand it is easier to kill. This is what we usually eat mostly during the week. I don't bring the kids though because it could be a traumatic experience for them as it is for me.
  • Thanks for spending the day with us hope you learned more about what a parent/farmer's day is like during the dust bowl.
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