  • Keresés
  • Saját Storyboards

Mobile Process

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Mobile Process
Storyboard That

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Készítse el saját forgatókönyvét

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Splash Page
  • 'Click Here', the URL, and 'Confirm your appointment', all take the patient to the splash page.
  • Patient receives email notification with an option to confirm and pre-register.
  • Basic Patient Data
  • Once the data is populated, the patient will press continue. Our back end matching will run and attempt to find a match.
  • Insurance Information
  • The patient will continue to enter their insurance data. Once complete, they will press continue. If the patient chooses to exit; if matched, appointment has been confirmed, if not matched, failure message will display to the patient.
  • Additional Data and Forms
  • Additional custom fields and consents entered. If patient selects "read full text" an additional page will display with the full consent.
  • Medical History
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