Weaknesses of The Articles of Confederation

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Weaknesses of The Articles of Confederation
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Storyboard Leírás

Constitutional Convention lesson plan - Articles of Confederation Weakness

Storyboard Szöveg

  • New Hampshire Population in 1780: 1 Vote In Congress
  • Virginia Population in 1780: 1 Vote In Congress
  • Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had no power to collect taxes from the states. Without the ability to tax the states, federal defense programs would be difficult to fund.
  • Under the Articles of Confederation, there was no federal court system. Without a federal court system, there was no structured way for states to resolve their conflicts.
  • The new republic created by the Articles of Confederation gave each state a single vote in regards to the creation and amending of federal laws. Although this allowed each state to voice their opinions, it also did not give more power to more highly populated states. This resulted in an unfair distribution of power to the less populated states.
  • 95,755
  • 537,614
  • Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

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